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WordPress: Create a dropdown list with Custom Post Type
work with function.php
Custom post type => Comparison
Each post has a compare item name as a title.
You want to create a compare item dropdown list. Here you can do it like this.
$compare = 101; //ID of default item that show up as selected
$nolist=100; //ID that you want to remove from the dropdown list
$choose = new WP_Query( array(
'posts_per_page'=>-1, //Show all
'post__not_in' => array($nolist), // don't include in dropdown
'orderby' => 'title', //date is available
'order' => 'ASC'
) );
if ( $choose->have_posts() ) : //build comparison selector
$chooser = "<select name='compare' id='compare'>";
while ($choose->have_posts()) : $choose->the_post();
$comp_id = get_the_ID();
$comp_name = get_the_title();
if($comp_id == $compare) :
$chooser .= "<option value='".$comp_id."' selected='selected'>".$comp_name."</option>";
else :
$chooser .= "<option value='".$comp_id."'>".$comp_name."</option>";
$chooser .="</select>";
wp_reset_postdata(); //reset
Insert to a page template
<?php echo $chooser; ?>